08 October 2018

Speedway Tilburg track maintenance & layout update

It's not all about crawling. As I wanted to do more than crawling the backyard and go to the occasional crawler meet now and then, I decided to join a local RC club last month. Yeah, they have a crawler track too, but the main focus of the club is the faster off-road stuff.
The club really has quite an interesting history, from a couple of friends that shared a hobby, to a club with their own racetrack. And a track needs maintenance, so a bunch of volunteers sacrificed their free Sunday for 2 weeks in a row to get the work done. I wasn't able to join on the first Sunday, but yesterday I was there to support my fellow racers and help out with the work.

Almost done

And while I feel like I did very little (I mean, all I did was do some digging, cut some Astroturf*, carry some rolls of the stuff, think of some ways to put the pieces together on the track and make some smartass comments), it really felt like it was appreciated.

It was cool to see how a group of people that share a hobby can come together and work their asses off, have fun at the same time (the only thing faster than the RC buggies were the wisecracks flying around). And the ultimate reward was that, at the end of the day, the first laps around the updated track could be driven.

So thank you to all the people who got their hands dirty. I'm looking forward to trying out the track, even though my China Special buggy will probably look like a joke compared to the other vehicles out there... But then again, I like a good joke...

*Astroturf as in not necessarily actual Astroturf, but just using the term to illustrate the type of material as it is still early and right now I can't think of the English generic name for the stuff.

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